Friday, 2 January 2015

Holy words of Swami Santa Das

You should always remain very submissive to your master (Guru) that will open up quickly your inner powers.
---Santa Das
One can reach God only by the grace of the Guru.
---Santa Das
Your boat has been tied with the ship. Do not get afraid. Even if your boat capsizes, the ship will dart the boat to the destination.
---Santa Das
The seed (Mantra) of salvation has been planted in you. It will work slowly out it is definite that you will finally feel its result and know the superconscient.
---Santa Das
The guru will be able to instill in you his energy up to that measure as you would be able to get rid of your ego.
---Santa Das
The mind must be brought under control. It is absolutely indispensable. First the observance of brahmacharya accompanied by sexual continence and moral discipline are essential.
---Santa Das
You should always remember that this world is only a playground. Its joys and sorrow, scarcity and plenty- all these are temporary, external things they have no place in your real life. You should try to realize that you really are all the time above these states.
---Santa Das
You always are engaged in thinking as - "What will happen to your sons, daughters and other members of your family? "This is a futile action. As human being, you are completely under control of God as a servant is to his master. Do your duties as servant does, your sense of ego will be disappeared.
---Santa Das
If you want to have milk from a cow you will have to approach her as a calf. At the very sight of you milk will flow into her udder. On the other hand if you go with a knife or scissors like a butcher and start chopping the udder you will not able to draw a single drop of milk but only blood. So try to be a devotee. The grace of God will automatically flow to you.
---Santa Das
If you want to have milk from a cow you will have to approach her as a calf. At the very sight of you milk will flow into her udder. On the other hand if you go with a knife or scissors like a butcher and start chopping the udder you will not be able to draw a single drop of milk but only blood. So try to be a devotee. The grace of God will automatically flow to you.
---Santa Das
Faults and merits, good qualities or bad ones both are present in all less in some, more in others. Unless one ignores them one cannot establish pleasant relations with others.
---Santa Das
The mind becomes pure only slowly and gradually. The quickness with which results are obtained magically is never seen in real life. The samaskaras of innumerable births covering an infinitely long period of time settled themselves in mind; the removal of them takes a long time.
---Santa Das
To offer any eatable to God means to turn it into a part of God Himself. The power or quality of prasad is unique. Those who regularly take prasad, putting any food in their mouth can feel the difference between the things offered to God and not so offered.
---Santa Das
You are never out of my sight.
---Santa Das
When I remain away from you, don't think that, I am away from you. Nearness of mind is real nearness.
---Santa Das


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