Open your
grief-stricken heart to the Lord. Weep and sincerely pray. `O Lord,
draw me towards You; give me peace of mind." By doing so constantly you
will gradually attain peace of mind.
---Sarada Devi
One who
makes a habit of prayer will easily overcome all difficulties and remain
calm and unruffled in the midst of the trials of life.
---Sarada Devi
No one can
suffer for all time. No one will spend all his days on this earth in
suffering. Every action brings its own result and one gets one's
opportunities accordingly.
---Sarada Devi
Each has to get the results of the actions he earned for this life. A pin at least must prick where a wound from sword was due.
---Sarada Devi
suffers as a result of one's own actions. So, instead of blaming others
for such sufferings, one should pray to the Lord and, depending entirely
on His grace, try to bear them patiently and with forbearance under all
---Sarada Devi
My son, forbearance is a great virtue; there's no other like it.
---Sarada Devi
One must
be patient like the earth. What iniquities are being perpetrated in her!
Yet she quietly endures them all. Man, too, should be like that.
---Sarada Devi
There is no treasure equal to contentment and no virtue equal to fortitude.
---Sarada Devi
You see,
my son, it is not a fact that you will never face dangers. Difficulties
always come,but they do not last forever. You will see that they pass
away like water under a bridge.
---Sarada Devi
Don't be
afraid. Human birth is full of suffering and one has to endure
everything patiently, taking the name of God. None, not even God in
human form, can escape the sufferings of the body and mind. Even
Avataras, saints and sages have to undergo the ordeal of suffering, for
they take upon themselves the burden of sins of omission and commission
of ordinary human beings and thereby sacrifice themselves for the good
of humanity.
---Sarada Devi
Pray to
God with tears in your eyes whenever you want illumination or find
yourself faced with any doubt or difficulty. The Lord will remove all
your impurities, assuage your mental anguish, and give you
---Sarada Devi
He who thinks
always of the Lord, which way can evil come to him.
---Sarada Devi
My child, I
bless you from my heart that you live long, attain devotion, and enjoy
peace. Peace is the principal thing. One needs peace alone.
---Sarada Devi
Even the impossible becomes possible through devotion.
---Sarada Devi
What does a
man become by realizing God? Does he grow two horns? No, what happens
is that he develops discrimination between the real and the unreal,
obtains spiritual consciousness, and goes beyond life and death. God is
realized in spirit. How else can one see God? Has God talked to anyone
who is devoid of spiritual fervour? One envisions God in sprit, talks to
Him and establishes a relationship with Him in spirit.
---Sarada Devi
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