Friday, 2 January 2015

Holy words of Sri Ramkrishna - 4

Those who wish to attain God or make progress in their devotional practices should particularly guard themselves against the snares of lust and wealth. Otherwise they can never attain perfection.
Do you talk of social reform ? well, you may do so after realizing God. Remember, the Rishis of old gave up the world in order to attain God. This is the one thing needful. All other things shall be added to you, if indeed you care to have them. First see God, and then talk of lectures and social reforms.
The true nature of the Jiva is eternal Existence-Knowledge-Bliss. It is due to egotism that he is limited by so many Upadhis (limiting adjuncts), and his forgotten his real nature.
If you can find out the nature of Maya, the universal illusion, it will fly away from you just as a thief runs away when detected.
The cat catches her kitten with her teeth and they are not hurt; but when a mouse is so caught, it dies. Thus Maya never kills the devotee, though it destroys others.
He is born in vain, who having attained the human birth, so difficult to get, does not attempt to realize God in this very life.
Jiva is Shiva (all living beings are God). Who then dare talk of showing mercy to them ?Not mercy, but service, service. For man must be regarded as God.
Let me be condemned to be born over and over again, even in the form of a dog, if so I can be of help to a single soul.
As a piece of rope, when burnt, retains its form, but cannot serve to bind, so is the ego which is burnt by the fire of supreme Knowledge.
A truly religious man should think that other religions are also many paths leading to the Truth. One should always maintain an attitude of respect towards other religions.
Every man should follow his own religion. A Christian should follow Christianity, and a Mohammedan Mohammedanism. For the Hindu, the ancient path, the path of the Aryan Rishis, is the best.
I will give up twenty thousand such bodies to help one man. It is glorious to help even one man.
A boat may stay in water, but water should not stay in the boat. An aspirant may live in the world, but the world should not live within him.
Do everything that is necessary in the proper time, and let your mind be always fixed on God.
All religions are true. God can be reached by different religions. many rivers flow by many ways but they fall into the sea. There all are one.

The tree laden with fruits always bends low. If you wish to be great, be lowly ad meek.
Be as devoid of vanity as the cast away leaf carried by the high wind.

God cannot be seen so long as there is the slightest taint of desire. Therefore have your minor desires satisfied, and renounce the major ones through right reasoning and discrimination.


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