
Saintofindia.com was built to highlight the life of great saints of Hinduism. Later we changed our mind to extend it to highlight other aspects of Sanatan (Hinduism) religion. We have included annotation of various terms of Hinduism, utterances of holy saint and sages. We are also inviting people to write ariticle about Hinduism.
Our trying is to awake the world with the divine consciousness of Sanatan Hinduism. Hinduism is religion of peace and non-violence. Anyone who follows the Vedic instruction will surely attain the supreme freedom. Saintofindia.com is just a medium of that goal.
We will certainly welcome your suggestion, advice, opinion etc. Moreover if you see any wrong information or data or any grammatical mistake please knock us at staff@saintofindia.com . If you want to submit article you can send it to staff@saintofindia.com . Article will be verified at first then will be brought out at website.


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