Friday, 2 January 2015

Holy words of Sri Ramkrishna - 2

In this age, work without devotion to God has no legs to stand upon. It is like a foundation on sand. First cultivate devotion. All other things--- schools, dispensaries, etc. -- will, if you like, be added to you. First devotion, then work. Work, apart from devotion or love of God, is helpless and cannot stand.
If you say, 'I am a sinner', eternally, you will remain a sinner to all eternity. you ought rather to repeat, 'I am not bound, I am not bound. Who can bind me ? I am son of God, the King of kings'.
He who thinks that he is a Jiva, verily remains as a Jiva, but he who considers himself to be God, verily becomes a God. As one thinks, So does one become.
Do not let worldly thoughts and anxieties disturb your mind.
Purify the spectacles of your mind, you will see that the world is God.
As the dawn heralds the Sun, so sincerity, unselfishness, purity and righteousness precede the advent of the Lord.
The more is a man's attachment to the world, the less is he likely to attain Knowledge. The less his attachment to the world, the more is the probability of his gaining Knowledge.
Give up everything to Him, resign yourself to Him, and there will be no more trouble for you. Then you will come to know that everything is done by His will.
Meditate on God either in an obscure corner, or in the solitude of forests, or within the silent sanctuary of your own heart.
If you must be mad, be it not for the things of the world. Be mad with the love of God.
As soft clay easily takes an impression, but not hard stone, so also Divine wisdom impresses itself on the heart of a devotee, but not on a bound soul.
The ego that asserts, 'I am the servant of God' is the characteristic of the true devotee. It is the ego of Vidya (Knowledge), and is called the 'ripe' ego.
The companionship of the holy and the wise is one of the main elements of spiritual progress.
That knowledge which purifies the mind and heart alone is true Knowledge, all else is only a negation of Knowledge.
Wherein is the strength of a devotee? He is a child of God, and his  devotional tears are his mightiest weapon.


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