Thursday 18 December 2014

Life story of Sri Bijoy Krishna Goswami

He born in 1841 (Bangali year-1248) at Shantipur of Nabadip. The month was Sravan (Shraban or Srabon) and the day was full moon. His father was Anandakishor Goswami and mother was Swarnamoyee Devi, both were very pious.

His education life started from his village school, later he learned Sanskrit at Shantipur Tole (School). Completing His study in here, he moved to Kolkota Sanskrit College for higher study. He was a polite and cool person. He remained very religious and His friends were astonished to His attention towards religious activities.While He was a student of Sanskrit College, He got married. Bijoykrishna married Yogmaya, the daughter of Ramchandra Bhaduri of Shikarpur.

Bijoykrishna started to study Vedanta and at that time a change in religious faith was happening in Him. He became Mayabadi though He was from Goswami family. He wrote an annotation about Vedanta philosophy and became supporter of Advaitabad (Monism) and Mayabad. After studying sometime at Sanskrit College, He admitted into Medical College. He formed a forum or club with the help some student. They named it 'Hitasancharani'.They decided in meeting that what one believes as true, he would to try to implement it by heart and soul. Once Bijoykrisnha told, "Paita(sacrad thread) is the symbol of dividation". Hearing this, those classmates who were Brahmin, dropped their Paita. Gradullay He came contact with Brahmo Samaj. Debendranath Thakur and Keshob Sen's lecture inspired Him much, He felt an inclination towards this philosophy and decided to take this Brahmo Dharma. He came to Shantipur but He was not cordially receieved. Local people and even His kith and kin started to rebuke Him for following Brahmo religion.

He then returned to Kolkata. His medical admission was very near. He got a call from Brahmo Samaj to preach this philosophy. Without thinking much about his life as doctor, he took up the responsibility to preach Brahmo Dharma. He then became Acharya Bijoykrishna of Brahmo Samaj. He visited various parts of India and Bangladesh to preach Brahmo Dharma.Once He reached Kashi and met Trailongaswami at 'Monikornika Ghat' of river Ganga. Trailongaswami realized Bijoykrisnha's spiritual awakening and foretold Him that He would soon get His guru.

While staying in Northern India, Bijoykrishna got sick. One of his devotee sought help Loknath Brahmachari Maharaj of Barodi. Loknath Brahmachari saved Bijoykrishna's life. This incident made a deep impact in His life. With the blessings of Baba Loknath Brahmachari and Thakur Sri Ramkrishna Bijoykrishna truned into Goswami again.Bijoykrishna suddenly met powerfull yoga saint Brahamananda Swami at Akashganga Hill of Gaya. Brahmananda initiated Him and made Him a Hindu Yogi. After taking initiation Bijoykrishna came to Akasganga Hill and started meditation which lasted consecutively 11 days. Finally he went to Kashi by His guru's advice. There he met a Brahmachari, named Sri Hariharananda Saraswati. He took sainthood from Him. He wanted to leave His home and family for good but His guru Brahmananda forbade Him to do that. Bijoykrishna also left Brahmo Samaj.

After leaving Brahmo Samaj, Bijoykrishna fell in severe financial problem with wife,son,daughter and desciple. During that time Loknath Brahmochari suggested him to come and live at Gandaria near Dhaka (capital of Bangladesh) and start chanting and kirtan(a type of devotional song). It would help him to survive.

Though He set up an Ashram(hermitage) in Dhaka but he lived at Kolkata at times. Once He went to Vrindavan with His wife and there she died by cholera. In the bengali year of 1304 of Falgun month, Bijoykrishna left Kolkata and planned to visit Srikhetra though His mother forbade Him not to visit Srikhetra as she had a belief that her son would not return from there. His Swarnamoyee Devi was a great devotee and her anticipation did not go wrong. Bijoykrishna never returned from Srikhetra.

Bijoykrishna's name was spreading day by day and after short span of time, His name and fame spreaded to the other parts of Orissa. He created a divine environment and inspired people by His Kirtan. People were gathering and became His follower.

His name and fame made some people envious. One day a saint came and game Him sweetmeat as prasad. This sweetmeat was poisonous. Bijoykrishna took it with innocent mind and fell in sick after a short period of time. His treatment was going on but no sing of recovery was seen. Finally in 1899 (Bengali year 22 Jaistha of 1306), Sunday, He ended His human life. He was a devoted person and also was a loving person. His words and work still has a impact to the mankind.


  1. thank you for your effort in publishing this life story of Sri Bijoy Krishna Goswami
