Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Spiritualism: Some Thoughts

Although the notion of spirituality is shrouded in abysmal mystery, a good section of the society the word over has a firm belief in the existence of a spiritual world which has absolute control over the physical beings. All things, they believe, that happen to living beings during their worldly existence are by the will of someone with superhuman powers. Further, they consider that every life is a “dual being” consisting of two components-physical and spiritual(Kazlev:2005). The physical element, that is, the body disintegrates at death, but the spiritual component continues to remain exactly as it was, but in another form of existence. On the general eschatology, Richard Cavendish in the Encyclopedia of the Unexplained (1934:234) says, “The soul is a duplicate of the body…(and) the lodging house of the spirit, or animating intelligent principle… upon passing over, you find yourself still possessed of a substantial body…amid scenery similar to, though generally more beautiful than, that which you knew on Earth… there is no “judjement of the dead”, but persons who have led evil lives will find themselves drawn into squalid and degrading regions where others like them dwell and from which they need to be rescued by “higher spirits” dedicated to missionary work. They also believe that living beings can communicate with the spirits and get their blessings if pleased with prayers, sacrifices and other acts as commanded by the concerned dogma or belief. The spiritual or supernatural belief in the human mind is as old as the human race itself. This has been being continuously and variably interpreted over the years by different religious groups producing various dogmas. Today, these dogmas and doctrines are ruling the human mind although differently in different groups of believes. If we critically look at various acts carried out on the basis of spiritual faith, we find that cruel urge. We often hear of animals, sometimes even humans, being killed in the name of sacrifice to please Gods and Goddesses. We even witness elderly persons being brutally exterminated in public on the suspicion that they have been practicing witchcraft. We further find that some beliefs are diagonally opposed to certain others which often trigger communal disharmony between the groups. Such acts of cruelty and small- mindedness are but the result of the growth of conflicting and disagreeing spiritual, particularly religious beliefs. Perhaps, it will requires ages, may be a reincarnation of some great soul, to glorify these differences. Turning to the other side of spirituality-imagine you are alone at a tranquil time sitting on your sofa or lying on your bed, try to answer these- why does the room look as it is? The window is on the left, why not on the right? The door is one the right corner of the room-why not on the left? The tube light is one the left wall of your room, why not on the south wall? On a second thought, you find that because they were designed by some architect to be as they are. Now, answer these- why do you look as you are? A slender girl with a long nose, curly hair, dusky complexion, a pair of straight legs, a pair of dark twinkling eyes, and an amiable nature. Did you or your parents want them to be as they are? Presuming that your answer is, “I don’t know, I never did nor did my parents do”, your curiously to know is “Then who did these?” yes, there must be someone who wanted human beings to be having two legs with knees and two hands with elbows and fingers of various lengths and sizes, some hair on the top of the body, a heart and, of course, a soul to drive all these organs. The moment you are convinced that someone, some supernatural being must have designed and engineered the whole human body and infused the soul to it, you begin to believe that there is a creator who has created not only the human beings, but also all other living beings that you see around you. With this in mind, you start finding numerous reasons to believe and be convinced that there is a celestial world where these superhuman beings live and perform all these activities Once you reach the above stage, you find yourself to be developing a sense of piousness and loyalty towards your creator. Further, once you are convinced that the same creator is all powerful and can do so many things for you and the entire living world, you developing an innate willingness to approach with all your inner self. When you are satisfied with your prayer, you obtain a divine feeling and an enormous amount of confidence to live, to force any eventuality of life and to do your works. This is the most valuable thing that you obtain as a true spiritualist. The relation between life and death, I believe, should be taken as Sir Oliver Lodge(Raupert:1919) puts it,”…the short period of earth- life is sufficient to save or damn a soul…death has power to convert an ordinary man into either angel or demon…”
References *** Kazlev, M.Alan(2005): Spiritualism:added 13 May 2000, last modified 19 September 2005. Website: *** Cavendish, Richard (1974): Encyclopedia of the Unexplained; London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.pp.234. *** Raupert, J. Godfrey(1919): The new Black Magic. New York: Devin-Adair Company.pp.22-23.
Dr. Rajeev K. Doley


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