Friday 19 December 2014

Necessity of Religion

Religion is no doubt an essential part of our life though many may not agree or deny but it is. To become honest or keep honesty in our working life, religion will surely play an vital role. Modern days are very competitive which makes people tensional and in order to prosper in daily life, people may want a rapid progress in a night but we all know changes in a night is really unbelievable and impossible.
If we practice religion in least way that will have a profound affect in our life. Religion is based on philosophy and that philosophy teaches us how to restrain ourselves from a restless life. It tells us why it is important to keep patience in all situation, as fretting will never bring peace and coolness in mind.
If we remain cool and peace in all situation, we will be able to provide more concentration in each and every work and that is the one of the strong point in Hinduism that 'Concentration'- it is the concentration which help us to focus on something and anything 

Joshadhir Datta Chowdhury Retired person


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