Thursday, 18 December 2014

Life story of Rishi Valmiki

Rishi (Saint) Valmiki is creator/writer of the epic 'Ramayana'. He is also called "Adi Kavi" (oldest poet) of Sanskrit Language. The earlier life of this great saint of Sanatan Hinduism is very interesting. He was the son of Chabyan Muni(saint).He was a robber and he used to rob travelers, passers-by in the deep forest while they were crossing the forest. He hid himself in big trees and bushes and used to attack people suddenly and snatched everything from them. He was familiar as Ratnakar or Robber Ratnakar.

One day Brahma and Narada were crossing the forest. Ratnakar attacked them by his style and started to rob them. Brahma then asked him, "why are you doing so? It is a sinful tasks". Ratnakar replied, "It is my livelihood. I lead my family with this. I share everything, that I robbed, with my family". Brahma said, "Do you think they will share your sin?". Ratnakar said,"Yes, sure, they must share my sin as they are sharing everything that I brought for them". Brahma said,"No, they will not. You can ask them if you don't believe my word but I can confirm you that none of your inmate will share of your sin". Ratnakar thought a while and then decided to go home and ask his family members about this. He then tied Brahma and Narada tightly with a rope in big trees so that they could not leave.

After coming home, he asked one by one to all his inmates whether they will share his sin with him or not and everybody including his parent, wife rejected to share his sin with him besides they told him, "Yes, it is your duty to maintain your family but we never told you to commit crime or take any sinful path to lead your family. So, we are not bound to share your sin". Hearing this, Ratnakar got back his consciousness and realized that what wrong he did.

He then came back to Brahma with distressful mind and begged for the way of emancipation from his sin. Brahma then took pity on him after seeing his condition. He told an way to become free from sin. He told him, Stop this kind of obnoxious work that you did earlier and start to chant "Rama". By chanting the name of "Rama", you will be freed one day by His(Rama) grace and become a great person". The problem started then, due to his huge heinous sinful work, a he could not utter the name of "Rama". Brahma and Narada tried a lot to make him able to utter the name but could not. Brahma then found out a solution and he told Ratnakar to utter the word "Mora". If he could utter the word "Mora" frequently after some time it will hear like "Rama" as the "Mora" is the reversely spelled word of "Rama".

Ratnakar started to chant "Mora" and after some time it becomes "Rama" to hear. In this way, he uttered the name of "Rama" days after days ,nights after nights even years after years. A huge amount of pile of While Ant raised by entangling him but he had no sense to realize that as he was enthralled in chanting. After a long ,long days Brahma and Narada again were crossing the forest. They forgot about Ratnakar. When they were in close of that huge white-ant pile, they only heard the sound of that chanting but could not see anything except that white-ant pile . Suddenly they remembered everything and realized that it was Ratnakar who was chanting the name of "Rama". Brahma then requested Indra (King of God in heaven) to pour rain and after consecutive seven days of raining , the White-ant pile became washed away and by the grace of Brahma , Ratnakar got back his body and became free from his sin. Brahma bestow on him and as he came from a white ant pile, he named him Saint Valmiki (pile of white ant).


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