Sunday 21 December 2014

Efficacy of Songs About The Cycle of Radha Krishna In Kali Yoga

Respected Scholars, Magnanimous and beloved devotees;

At the moment, standing in the premises of this temple amidst a propitious environment, I would first take the liberty of expressing my heartfelt gratitude to the temple authority for affording me an opportunity to speak before you few words about the sacred Hindu Santana Dharma and other relevant matters in this connection. Anyway, expressing my sincere love and thanks to you all I am now going to start my discourse on the scheduled topic.

In this Kali yoga (4th age of the world) it is only by chanting the name of Sri Hari that individual souls are becoming able to obtain the spiritual objects of life. In this regard, the Gita says,

"krite jad dhyaoto Vishnu stretayang yajata Mokhai
Dvapare paricharyayang Kalau Tadhvari Kirtanat "

It means that during each and every yoga (age), the world develops a spirit of its own. The spirit of Satya Yoga was to wsorship Vagaban Bishnu. In the Treta it was to perform Yajna and scarifies. In the Dvapara, it was wsorshiping and adoration of different Gods Heads etc. and in Kali yogs" the spirit of the age is to chant the holy songs related only to Sri Hari. The greatest spiritual boons that had been obtained by the people of Satyayega, through difficult worships and meditation, or the spiritual benefits derived by the people of Treta yoga through difficult performances of rituals and scarifaes or the religious benefits derived by the people of Dvapara through wsorship and adoration – all those benefits are now available to the people of Kaliyoga (4th age of the world) only through singing the name of Sri Hari. So in the present age of "k-ali" when one can derive the same result with less-endeavour, why should one then go in for any trouble in this regard? Here a natural question arises as the why labour in this regard is less in the Kaliyoga? It is so because in first three ages of the world (viz, Satya, Treta and Dvapar), performances of prayer, meditation, worships and adorations etc. were very much difficult and pain staking. In those ages, Sri VagabanHari was not casily approachable to men. Yet, in this 4th age,” there is so difficulty in singing the name of Sri Hari - it only needs the movement of the tongue at any place, at any time and in any situation. By chanting the "Srinam" (name of Sri Hari), we can derive apirtual benefits. Our scriptures also refers to the easiness of this path;

Kalerdushanidhe Rajan,
Astihyako Mahan gunah
Kritanadeva Krishnahya mukti sanga Parang Vrajet
(Sri Madvagabad)

Here Sukhdev says, : Oh king of kings; This Kaliyega is full of sins and faults; it is a quarry of faults. But it has a noble quality. What’s that? only by chanting the name of Sri Krishna, the jeeva will be liberated, and go to the "Paramdham" (abode of the lord). This is known as causeless mercy of the Supra Soul upon, the Jeevas of this 4th age of the world.

We all have taken our human birth during this Kali yoga. In all our scriptures, human life is termed as something rare because of the fact that birth in human form occur after 84 lakhs of previous life in other shape and form. So after having this human body, observance of the code of conduct, i,c, worship and adoration of Sri Hari, singing His holy name etc. should be taken up as obligatory duty of the jeevas. In this regard, the Brihannaradiya puran says,

"Deharupashya Brikshayshya
Falang dharmang Santanh
Dharmahinastu yodeha
Nishfala bandhya Brikshabat
Chalang bittang chalat chittang
Chalang Sansarajang Sukham
Ebam Jnattva birakta shon
Dharmavyashparo Vabet"

Here human body is rhetorically termed as a tree with its fruits identified as Sanatana Dharma. It means that Sanatana Dharma is developed only through human bodies. As a fruitless tree has no beauty, so is a human being who has no religion, Like a fruitless tree he is in effectual and useless. Actually, all the material objects of the world like landed property mental fancy or all other pleasant and delightful objects etc. are fickle, transitory and bereft of contentment. So it is needed that after knowing their nature and character, we should discard all our delusions about those things and then after we should go in for practicing religious conducts by our respective bodies. In other words we should then address ourselves to the task of service and worship of Sri Hari accompanied with prayer and chanting of His holy name etc.

In this connection, the famous Acharya of our ancient Nibarka Sampradaya Sri Sri Nimbarka-charaya Maharaj has cited a solka which runs like this,

"Prapya Janma yadi Manushang Nara
Sebate no Taba Pada Pankajam.
Dhikcha Janma Kulamadi deva
Tad Youbanadi Sakalang no shovate."

It means that inspite of having been endowed with human life if we fail to serve the lotus feet of Sri Hari, fie upon our birth, pedigree and youth etc, fie on everything we possess, neither of these elements does behove us.

So, in this Iron age (Kali yoga) the name of Lord has got a great importance. Because during this age, the jeeva can reap absolute gain by singing the name of Sri hari. Being attracted by this magic name, people from all parts of the world have been coming to india today for begging mercy from her people. thus IAKCON is itself a proof of the glory of india spiritualism.

Being swooned by the Holy name of Sri hari, the ISKCON has been setting up number of huge Temples all over the world to make others share their joy and eternal happiness and for all these philanthropic aims, they are trying to awake KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS in the mind of the people all over the word today. In the international level, our philosophy and spiritualism have been placed at the top of all others. There is no doubt about the fact that it has been only due to endless compassion of Indian sages and monks that the people of the world today are being drenched by the sap of the holy name of the Lord. But the life span of human heing is too much short. In the "Sastras" (scriptures)it is, therefore observed.

"Bishvase nahi biswas kada ruddhva Vabishyati" there is no certainty in our breathing. The great souls, therefore, advise,
"Svashe Svashe name rato
Britha Svash mat khuya
Ke jane Kaun Svash fir syon Hoi ki na hoi."

So, practically in no time we must complete the work i.e., we should come to an end of our works related with the obtaining of Moksha (salvation) and then be ready to bid adiea to this world. So in order to make us successful in this task, we need association of good people even for a short duration, since it exercises a tremendous influence on our mind, The author of the Gita has also said. "Svalpampyshya dharmashya Trayote Mahatovyat". Simalarly, Srimasnt Sankarcaharaya also says,

Nalinidalagato jalamati taralam,
Tadjjibitam taishya chapalam,
Kshana miha sajjana samgatireka
Vabati Vabarmava tarane nouka

It means that water on the leaf of the lotus is tremulous. It is not known when will it fall down. Similar is the life of the jeevas, there is no guarantee when would it be perished. Bostful of such uncertain life, man has practically no ability that may enable him to cross the sea of life by his inherent power. There is only one boat to cross the sea of life and i.e. keeping association with the honest and sages. Luckily, even if for a moment we may have association with the honest, their company will become the boat for us to cross the ocean of life.

Today in this holy Temple campus, the presence of so many "Vaktas" at the call of the organizers of the on going function, has really charmed me beyond measure. According to scriptures, "Sanghe sakti Kalau yoge". Be united through Acssociations (Sangha) in the 4th Age of the world and get your own "Self - welfare” through the medium of virtuous functions like worship and singing of the holy bame Sri Hari. May the pious keeping these good wishes for you all i my mind, let me stop my discourse here for the day.

Shivamastu Sarva jagatah
parohita nirata VabantuBhuta ganah
Dushah parayantu nashang sarbatra sukhi vabatu Lokhah

In simple language it is a holy wish, "Let the enture world have its prosperity; let all the Jeevas be engaged in doing welfare to others shunning all the faults, let all the people be happy."

Swami Rash Behari Das Kathia Babaji


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