Friday 2 January 2015


Puja means offerings. It can also be written as 'Pooja' which is a Sanskrit word. It also means reverence, worship etc. It is another special part of Hinduism. It is of two types, Daily Puja and Special Puja. Daily puja is performed daily whereas special puja is performed specially or occasionally.  Prayer to God, spiritual song or meditation etc. are also sometimes considered as puja or worshiping.  Puja consists of lot of things such as prayer, meditation, invitation, various natural objects such as paddy, newly born grass, leaves of various trees, sandalwood etc. Another common presence is flower, fresh flowers. Puja is offered to God. It is association of mind,body towards God.


  Hinduism is one of the major religion in the world. It is religion that tells about the way of emancipation thorough the development and realization of soul.   It is also called 'Sanatan Dharma'. The word 'Sanatan' is taken from from Sanskrit language which means no ending and no beginning(ever present) and in fact, it is the oldest religion in the world. There is no such exact period when this religion was created but historian predicts it appeared 5000B.C or more. In very ancient days, Hinduism was known as the Arya Dharma and it followers are as Aryan. The river Sindhu(Indus) played a vital role for naming this religion as 'Hindu'. The people who lived near the 'Sindhu' (Indus) were mainly the arayan settlement. The other sides of the Sindhu were Persians and Arabs. They could not utter the word Sindhu properly and thus they called it 'Hind'  or 'Hindus' and arayan people's activities were regarded as Hinduism. From the Persian and Arab the word Hindu travel through west.  Hinduism is a bit different from other religion. There is no single founder of this religion. In ancient days saints and sagas realized the absolute truth and the omniscience God and that time the oracle was expressed from their utterances. They described how they realized the truth and these truth passed through generation to generation. The compilation of that truth is called 'Veda'. Veda is the main holy script of Hinduism.  Hinduism tells about self realization and self development. To attain the supreme ecstasy one has to realize his soul. Soul or self is the supreme concept of Hinduism.


Gita or Srimad Bhagbatgita is one of major holy script in Hinduism. It is originated from Mahabharata, an epic in Sanskrit language. It contains about 700 verses. It is actually conversation between Krishna and Arjun in the battlefield of Kurukshetra. It consists of 18 chapters. Now a days it considered as a main holy script due to its clear direction about self-development. It is adjudged as essence of Vedas and Upanisadas. When Arjun was in dilemma over the battle, Lord Krishna guided and advised Him(Arjun) about his duty and work and made his mind clear about this. This historical talk between them is Srimad Bhagvad Gita. Sometime it is also written as Geeta.


Durga is one of the Goddess in Hindu religion. It is derived from the word Sanskrit word 'durgo', which means resistance. She is known as a fearful God. She killed demon 'Mahishashur' (buffalo Demon). She is symbol of  'Shakti'. 'Shakti' means energy/power. She is believed to be the power behind creation, destruction. She is also hailed as the mother of the universe.

She is consort of Shiva. Trishul(Trident) is her main weapon and lion is her mount. She is worshiped as holy mother in the Hinduism. She is offered twice in the year. At autumn she worshiped as Durga and at spring, she is worshiped as 'Devi Basanti'. Worshiping Goddess Durga is the major festival in Bengal part of India.

Durga derives her name from her identity as the slayer of the demon Durgo. This demon was wreaking havoc on heaven and earth. Shiva, the trident-bearing Supreme Destroyer, was helpless against him as Durgo was invincible against all males. At Shiva’s request , his consort Parvati assumed the form of a warrior and killed the demon. The connection to Parvati places Durga in a familial context and provides a vital clue to why a marital goddess is worshipped as a mother and wife.
Parvati, after all, is the daughter of the Himalayas who gained Shiva’s love after long penance and married him against her mother’s wishes. It is this daughter who returns to the lap of the Himalayas every year with her children from her divine abode on Mt. Kailash.
She is again a goddess of vegetation (as symbolised by the Nabapatrika, collection of nine branches of plants, kept to the right of Ganesha during the worship), returning every year with promise of a good harvest. In Markendeyapurana, after demon –king Shumba falls, Durga departs with the promise that if crops failed she would return as Shakambhari and nourish the world with vegetation.
The epic, Mahabharata, describes Durga as one who ends all misteries(durgati-nashini). In Deviparana, she is also the protector of fortresses (durgo means a fortress in Sanskrit).
The form in which Durga is portrayed in the annual festival derives from another myth. Mahishasura, the buffalo-demon, once prayed long and hard to Brahma, the Father of Creation. Satisfied, the god appeared before the king of the nether world and offered him a boon. Mahishasura sought to be immortal. When this was refused , he thought up the next best option-that he die only at the hand of a woman. After all, what risk would he, an intrepid warrior, stand from a frail female! Armed with this confidence, he set off to conquer the universe. First, he took over earth and then marched with this army towards heaven. The war raged for a thousand years and the demons were victorious. The gods were driven out of heaven and flocked to Lord Shiva for protection. As Shiva listened to their tale of woe, a divine effulgence emanated from his face. The other gods too emitted a similar glow. This energy combined to take a 1,000-armed towering female form. Jewellery and gems frpm Kshirod Sagar, the mythical sea of milk, were brought to dress her up with earrings, rings, bangles, necklaces and anklets. The gods, then, created replicas of their own weapons and armed her. Himalaya , the king of the mountains gifted her a lion which she took as her mount.
Adorned in finery and armed to the teeth, Durga let out a roar and headed for Mahishasura’s palace. Such was the impact of the sound that it unleashed cyclones in the sea and landslides in the mountains. Mahishasura rushed out to check the cause of the uproar. But on seeing Durga, he burst out laughing. This infuriated Durga even further. She reminded the demon-king of his vulnerability, and urged him to battle. As Mahishasura summoned his army, Durga exhaled deeply. Immediately, thousands of soldiers were produced to fight on her side. The demon, who could take on the guise of any animal, first assumed his favourite form, that of the buffalo. It trampled on hundreds and injured hundreds more with the lashing of its tail. Durga threw a lasso at the raging animal. To slip out of the noose, Mahishasura transformed himself into a lion. But Durga soon chopped off its head with a sword.
The demon king waged war in this own form for some time before metamorphosing into an elephant. The elephant attacked Durga’s mount, the lion. Durga immediately cut off its trunk with her sword. At this, the elephant gave up its form and turned to a buffalo. As the buffalo raged across Creation, the Goddness raised a cup of wine to her lips and glared at the animal with blood-shot eyes. “Roar as you please, you foolish beast. When I destroy you, the gods will make more noise in celebration. "
The buffalo, which was hurling trees and mountains at her, now sped towards her, neck craned and horns pointed. Durga leapt on the Creature and cut off its head in one fell blow. Mahishasura tired making his way out of the creature’s body but Durga was ready. The divine trident pierced the demon’s chest. This is the moment that is frozen in the images worshipped every autumn.


Chandi or Sri Sri Chandi is another holy script in Hinduism. It is also written in Sanskrit language. To Hindu religious people, this book is popular one. This book is also known as 'Shaptashati' or 'Durgashaptashati' (Shaptashati means  seven hundred). It contains near about 700 verses but there are controversies about the number of verses. There is a custom to add an extra verse while reciting Sri Sri Chandi. Chandi is actually part of  'Markandey Puran'.
In Markandey Puran, from chaptar 89 to 93, 'Devi Mahatmya' is described. In Bengal this part is known as Sri Sri Chandi. This Devi Mahatmya is also described in Devibhagbat, Brahmabaibarta Puran, Ramayan etc. Chandi has many annotation. Among these 'Vaskar's' annotation is famous. Vaskar's annotation is named as 'Guptabati.' Guptabati was revealed probably in 1741.
The word Chandi is derived from the word 'Chanda'. Chanda means extremely angry. Chandi is feminine gender of chanda that means extremely angry women. Actually how the Goddess appeared to kill demons in order to save God in different period of time is described in the three chapters of Sri Sri Chandi.

Holy words of Sri Ramkrishna - 4

Those who wish to attain God or make progress in their devotional practices should particularly guard themselves against the snares of lust and wealth. Otherwise they can never attain perfection.
Do you talk of social reform ? well, you may do so after realizing God. Remember, the Rishis of old gave up the world in order to attain God. This is the one thing needful. All other things shall be added to you, if indeed you care to have them. First see God, and then talk of lectures and social reforms.
The true nature of the Jiva is eternal Existence-Knowledge-Bliss. It is due to egotism that he is limited by so many Upadhis (limiting adjuncts), and his forgotten his real nature.
If you can find out the nature of Maya, the universal illusion, it will fly away from you just as a thief runs away when detected.
The cat catches her kitten with her teeth and they are not hurt; but when a mouse is so caught, it dies. Thus Maya never kills the devotee, though it destroys others.
He is born in vain, who having attained the human birth, so difficult to get, does not attempt to realize God in this very life.
Jiva is Shiva (all living beings are God). Who then dare talk of showing mercy to them ?Not mercy, but service, service. For man must be regarded as God.
Let me be condemned to be born over and over again, even in the form of a dog, if so I can be of help to a single soul.
As a piece of rope, when burnt, retains its form, but cannot serve to bind, so is the ego which is burnt by the fire of supreme Knowledge.
A truly religious man should think that other religions are also many paths leading to the Truth. One should always maintain an attitude of respect towards other religions.
Every man should follow his own religion. A Christian should follow Christianity, and a Mohammedan Mohammedanism. For the Hindu, the ancient path, the path of the Aryan Rishis, is the best.
I will give up twenty thousand such bodies to help one man. It is glorious to help even one man.
A boat may stay in water, but water should not stay in the boat. An aspirant may live in the world, but the world should not live within him.
Do everything that is necessary in the proper time, and let your mind be always fixed on God.
All religions are true. God can be reached by different religions. many rivers flow by many ways but they fall into the sea. There all are one.

The tree laden with fruits always bends low. If you wish to be great, be lowly ad meek.
Be as devoid of vanity as the cast away leaf carried by the high wind.

God cannot be seen so long as there is the slightest taint of desire. Therefore have your minor desires satisfied, and renounce the major ones through right reasoning and discrimination.

Holy words of Sri Ramkrishna - 3

The spiritually minded belong to a caste of their own, beyond all social conventions.
He alone enters the Kingdom of Heaven who is not a thief of his own thought. In other words, guilelessness and simple faith are the roads to that Kingdom.
women whether naturally good or not, whether chaste or unchaste, should always be regarded as images of the blissful Divine Mother.
Don't find fault with anyone, not even with an insect. As you pray to God for devotion, so also pray that you may not find fault with anyone.
Dispute not. As you rest firmly on your own faith and opinion, allow others also equal liberty to stand by their own faith and opinion.
It is said that truthfulness alone constitutes the spiritual of the Kali Yuga (i.e. modern age). If a mans clings tenaciously to truth, he ultimately realizes God.
Visit not miracle-mongers and those who exhibit occult powers. These men are stragglers from the path of truth.
If there is a small hole at the bottom of a jar of water. the whole water will leak out. Similarly, if there is the smallest tinge of worldliness in the aspirant, all his exertions will come to naught.
The soiled mirror never reflects the rays of the sun; similarly those who are impure and unclean at heart and are deluded by Maya never perceive the glory of the Lord. But the pure in heart see the Lord as the clear mirror reflects the sun.
Money can fetch you bread alone. Do not consider it as your sole end and aim.
He is truly a man to whom money is only a servant; but, on the other hand, those who do not know how to make a proper use of it, hardly deserve to be called men.
The sun can give heat and light to the whole world, but he cannot do so when the clouds shut out his rays. Similarly, as long as egotism veils the heart, God cannot shine upon it.
The young bamboo can be easily bent, but the full grown bamboo breaks when it is bent with force. It is easy to bend the young heart towards God, but the untrained heart of the old escapes the hold whenever it is so drawn.
Men are of two classes-men in name only (Manush) and the awakened men (Man-hunsh). Those who thirst after God alone belong to the latter class; those who are mad after ‘woman and gold’ are all ordinary men-men in name only.
Rain water never stands on high ground, but runs down to the lowest level. So also the mercy of God remains in the hearts of the lowly, but drains off from those of the vain and the proud.