Friday 2 January 2015

Holy words of Sri ma Sarada Devi -3

Whenever the mind goes after anything other than God, consider that as transient and surrender the mind at the sacred feet of the Lord.
---Sarada Devi
The mind naturally tends towards evil deeds. It is lethargic in doing good works. Formerly I used to get up at 3 a.m. and sit up for meditation. One day I felt indisposed. That one day's irregularity resulted in the upsetting of my routine for a number of days. That is why I say that perseverance and tenacity are necessary for success in all good work.
---Sarada Devi
Don't be afraid. I tell you that in this Kali Yuga mental sin is no sin. Free your mind from all worries on this account. You need not be afraid.
---Sarada Devi
It is the nature of water to flow downwards, but the sun's rays lift it up towards the sky. Likewise, it is the very nature of the mind to go to lower things, to objects of enjoyment, but the grace of God can make the mind go towards higher objects.
---Sarada Devi
The mind is everything, It is in the mind alone that one feels pure and impure. A man, first of all, must make his own mind guilty and then alone he can see another man's guilt. Does anything ever happen to another if you enumerate his faults? It only injures you.
---Sarada Devi
On moonlit nights I would look at the moon and pray, 'May my mind be pure as the rays of the moon! ' or 'O Lord, there are stains even on the moon, but let my mind be absolutely stainless'.
---Sarada Devi
Do the Master's work, and along with that practise spiritual disciplines, too. Work helps one to keep off idle thoughts. If one is without work, such thoughts rush into one's mind.
---Sarada Devi
How can one's mind be healthy if one doesn't work? No one can spend all twenty-four hours in spiritual thought and meditation. So one must engage oneself in work; it keeps the mind cheerful.
---Sarada Devi
It is very necessary to have a fixed time for japa and meditation. For it cannot be said when the auspicious moment will come. It arrives so suddenly. No one gets any hint of it beforehand. Therefore one should observe regularity, however busy one may be with duties. ....Even in the midst of the most intense activity one should at least remember God and salute Him.
---Sarada Devi
As wind remove the cloud, so the Name of god destroys the cloud of worldliness.
---Sarada Devi
Do you know the significance of japa and other spiritual practices? By these, the power of the sense-organs is subdued.
---Sarada Devi
One has to suffer the consequences of one's deeds. But by repeating the name of God, you can lessen its intensity. If you were destined to have a wound as wide as a ploughshare, you will get a pin-prick at least. The effect of karma can be counteracted to a great extent by japa and austerities.
---Sarada Devi


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