Friday 2 January 2015

Holy words of Swami Swarupananda

One caste is high while another is low; one nation is born to serve while another is to lord over all, nothing is more dangerously false than such a hypothesis. Know it for certain that all men are created by God and in the eye of God all are equal
Every man can easily realize this truth through Prayer and meditation and when such realization comes, he becomes a Brahmin. This is the truth of all truths and this is why the Brahmin one day commanded respect from all quarters.
The term Brahmin does not connote any particular caste or sect but it signifies a transcendental stage of spiritual sublimity. Every man of the world can attain to that stage by spiritual training. Every man in the universe has the right to become a Brahmin by reaching that stage. It is only to help people in reaching this transcendental stage that dynamic souls, the highly radiant teachers descend on this earth.
God is one but He dwelleth in every man. Hinduism recognise as many manifestations of God as there are creatures in His universe. But Hinduism never admits polytheism nor does it reprove another's method of worship. This is why the Hindus never took to sword to do away with the Non-Aryan's worship of too many gods and goddesses. Nor did they prevent the aboriginals from worshipping God according to their traditional customs and belief. As a result of this, the worship of many gods and goddesses gradually found its way into Hinduism which is in reality monotheistic. This is the worst evil that has come upon the Hindu society because of its catholicity. Many great men have dedicated their whole life to save the Hindu society from this evil and many more will yet be born to bear the torch.
When religion foments racial or national animosity, it indirectly encourages crimes and vices of the worst type. It is a sin to engender hatred among races and nations. It is abominable from worldly consideration and also unpardonable in the eye of God. But even to this day we have observed this malpractice-running rampant in different climes and different periods of history. Hinduism declares it in clear terms that love for all is a solid truth, a reality; and ill-will and factions between man and man are all illusions. In love do I send my clarion call to you, my sons and daughters, brothers and mothers living in. towns and villages, in hills and dales, to discard the unreality and illusions of animosity and war, and flock under the banner of truth for becoming men in the truest sense. of the term.
No matter whatever race or nationality you are born in or may belong to, I am come to give you the sacred rights of a Brahmin. I am come to dispel the ignorance that has cumbered on you through ages. I am come to give such strength to your nerves and muscles as can remove the load of age-long suffering and inequities. A true Master (Guru) is not tied 'down to any sect, state or society. His inspiration comes from God alone and he plunges himself in the work of uplifting and renovating the depressed humanity with noble thoughts and sublime ideas. Whoever of whatever place on earth has fallen down and is down-trodden, rest assured, in all circumstances I seek your welfare. If you seek your own good and salvation, it will be easy for me to grant you that. I am not come to destroy or cry down any religious belief or any social institution. I am come only to awaken divine love and compassion in man wherever and in whatever condition may he be.
The truth I have realised has come unto me from God Himself. I am ready to help and guide those who are earnest, however fallen and lowly. But are you ready? If so, I am with you ever and ever.
Embrace everybody in your loving bosom, make the whole world your home. See that not an atom anywhere feels that it is not an object of your tenderest affections. (Letters)
Go forth to the whole world and tell everyone that none is far from Me. All are Mine and I am everybody's.( Letters)
I belong to all and all sects are Mine.(Letters)
You are sublime by your love for God, for humanity and for country. Love is your life, love is your career, love is the sum total of your life-long achievements. The beginning of love is but the beginning of life. Immortal love is but immortal life. Stand steady on this heavenly bliss and live for love and die for love. The holy name of God is the key to the treasury of love and the gate to the kingdom of purity and perfection.
Not ephemeral enjoyments with concomitant reactions and remorse but eternal bliss with eternal happiness is your birth-right, my dear children.
I mean to insist on you that no true growth of life is possible without perfect cleanliness. Cleanliness and clear conscience are the two most valuable prizes that you may pride in. You cannot build yourself up. without a thorough and careful cultivation of those goods habits that invigorate the moral consciousness and strengthen the moral back-bone. Have high aspirations and materialize them through tenacity and perseverance. Life is a serious business, fraught with the deepest meanings, transcending the highest speculations of the biggest philosopher. Life is God's design on earth. Believe that you are the gradual unfolding of the Divine. Desire through all eternity and you must not lose an inch of ground in fully utilizing yourself in His wonderful scheme. Rise equal to the occasion and prepare yourself for everything seemingly favourable or untoward.Akhanda Samhita 8th part( Bengali Ed. )
The luckiest man in my opinion is he, who can keep a conscience untroubled by any evil deed or thought. What a grand thing it is to remain pure and to help others in their glorious attempts at attaining perfect purity. Cleanliness is really next to godliness if it means the sanctity both of body and mind. A pure mind in a chaste body is the noblest acquisition on earth.Akhanda Samhita 8th part ( Bengali Ed)
The ideas I implant in you are to be radiated throughout the eternal future and to be infused in the ever-coming younger generations. Akhanda Samhita 8th part (Bengali Ed)
Live a God-life. Know yourself -,always in Him and Himself always in you. Let not a single breath pass unheeded.
I am neither an advocate of Celi­bacy nor a preacher of Matrimony. I am but a worshipper of true Man­hood. I am satisfied if you are a Man,-married or unmarried I care little to know. Many great men have lived the life of married men while many have not. Only marrying or not-marrying can seldom be regarded as any sign of greatness. Many bachelors have spoiled their lives by not-marrying while truly great men have ship-wrecked their I would-be wonderful careers by accepting a share-holder of life's joys and miseries. Look upon Manhood as  your God and not upon any mania or fancy.

I want work, massive work, but not impure work. I want service, whole-time service, but not impure service. Purity of purpose and sanc­tity of means are the first conditions of my demands.
Are you my children? If so, be like me. I don't talk while I work or if I talk it is always on a sublime thing.


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